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Frequently asked questions

  • What is the turnaround time?
    Place an order before 10am and it will be returned the next day. This excludes weekends, public holidays and garments that require special treatment.
  • How do I make payment?
    When you make an account online your payment details are stored securelyonline. Your card on file will be charged before delivery. You will receive receipt of your order upon delivery. To view our full price list please visit the pricing section of this website.
  • How do you know what is in my order?
    You do not need to let us know what is in your order unless you have special requests or alterations (see below). When we process your order we make an itemized account of your entire order (including costings).
  • How do I make special requests for my order or use your alterations service?
    If you have any special requests or alterations, please include details in your SMS or in the notes section online.
  • What is the blue VIP bag?
    You will receive a Ace WetClean bag free of charge with your first order. The VIP bag protects your garments and keeps them in pristine condition. Use this bag with every order. ($10 replacement fee applies).
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